Package ETP’s

Compact ETP for Textile

Complete chemically treated dye ETP

DAF and static screen

Dairy ETP

Garment washing ETP

Gee, Edible Oil ETP

Ice-cream factory ETP

Kitchen waste ETP

Milk chilling plant ETP

Pacakge ETP loading for export

Package Batik dye ETP

Package dye house ETP

Package ETP for Laundry under construction

Package ETP for Reactive dyeing unit

Package ETP for Texitle effluent under construction

Package high capacity ETP 55m3-hr under commissioning

Package Textile ETP

Package water treatment

Pharma ETP under construction

Pharma ETP
Package STP’s

Advanced sewage treatment

Aerial view of a Package STP for L&T Infocity

Common STP for Ayurveda Hospital

Compact STP for TV station

Compact UG STP- 200 room Hotel

Complete STP management for a ECO tourism resort- under construction

Containerized STP prior to erection

Conventional Large Capacity STP for housing colony

Flow diagram for IT part STP

IT park Sewer recycling unit under installation

Package STP installed in a mountain slope

Package STP unit for a Garment factory

Resort STP in a Tea estate under-construction

STP constructed in a Mountain Range

STP under construction in Factory Frontage

STP under construction

Trickling Filter at a Housing Colony

UG Common STP plant for TEN Garment factories

Underground STP for a resort